Tiene 10 minutos para avanzar con su compra.

HurryTimer: Invalid campaign ID.



Important: By clicking on proceed to check out you will go to pay at Stripe, there is a waiting time of 5 minutes, if in that time you do not make your purchase you may not receive your ticket, if that happens, just call 818- 471-8704 and we will send the purchase tickets.


Each sale is final, there is no refund for its cancellation, only if the event is canceled will your purchase be refunded. All tickets go to the buyer. If your purchase is successful, the system will take you to the details page where you can download your ticket, you will also receive a message with the receipt and another with the link to your ticket/s and they will also be sent via SMS (Text message to the number telephone number that you enter, verify that it is entered correctly) There is no refund of money for cancellation. It is only refunded if the event is cancelled. Service Charges are never refundable. Press Proceed to Checkout to go to pay.


If you need help call 818.471.8704